Pediatric Services
Speech Sound Disorders • Childhood Apraxia of Speech • Phonological Disorders
Articulation • Late Talkers • Language Delays • Early Intervention
Fluency / Stuttering • Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy • Voice Disorders
Autism • Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC)
Receptive Language • Expressive Language • Literacy
Lip-Tie • Tongue-Tie
We offer therapy in English & Spanish.

Evaluations & Screenings
Our first step is to complete an evaluation to gain information about your child's communication strengths and challenges. Since we never take a one-size-fits-all approach, the evaluation process looks different for each child, including a combination of observations, parent interviews, standardized assessments, and input from other professionals. Once testing is complete, our therapists will work with your family to create a plan with goals that are tailored to meet your child's individual needs. Then, the fun begins!
The Speech Lady also offers free screenings for local preschools and daycares. Contact us to sign up today.
Early Intervention, Language Delays, & Late Talkers
Early speech therapy - between the ages of 0 to 3 years - has been proven to lay a solid foundation for speech and language development. We focus on teaching caregivers to foster language rich environments, enhance communication opportunities, and apply early language strategies to help their child reach their full communication potential!
All of our providers have completed advanced coursework through the NC Early Intervention program to meet the highest standard for family-centered practice. Our approach includes elements of family education, parent coaching, counseling, and intervention in each child's most natural setting.

Speech Sound Disorders
After identifying the specific sounds and sound patterns that your child has difficulty producing, we design interactive, playful, and high-energy sessions to help them practice accurate sounds. Using evidence-based methods, speech therapy will help your child speak clearly and confidently with other children and adults!
We pride ourselves in having a team of speech therapists who have taken advanced coursework to specialize in the treatment of Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) and Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders (OMDs) that impact speech sound accuracy.
AAC & Multi-Modal Communication
We support children with complex communication needs through the use of AAC, or Augmentative and Alternative Communication. AAC allows for individuals to use a combination of pictures, signs, gestures, and/or tablet devices to express themselves and share their needs, wants, ideas, and feelings. We work with each child and family to determine the best communication system for them, obtain funding for necessary devices, and integrate AAC into daily life.
Our providers have advanced training in PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System) and have experience with a variety of high-tech language systems including LAMP, Unity, GoTalk, Proloquo2Go, Sounding Board, PODD, TDSnapCore, and Cough Drop.

Language & Literacy Disorders
We support language and literacy development to help your child succeed in social and academic settings! Our sessions focus on supporting global language skills including listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Literacy based interventions are structured to engage each child at their current literacy level and guide them forward.
Depending on your child's age and abilities, we may focus on building pre-literacy skills, word decoding, vocabulary instruction, reading comprehension, or story telling. Our strategy is unique to each child, with the goal of exposing them to a variety of successful reading and writing opportunities!
Lip-Ties, Tongue-Ties, and Pre- & Post-Release Support
Tongue and lip ties can impact a child's ability to sleep, speak , and eat. We can help your child strengthen the muscles of their mouth before surgical intervention and improve the movements of their tongue and lip muscles after the tie has been released.
Contact us to learn more!